The Editor’s Notes
For those of you interested in the federal reauthorization of ESEA (the Elementary and Secondary Education Act), Michael Petrilli’s single table predicts which provisions are almost sure to be eliminated, are up in the air, and will survive.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan to outline education priorities and defend testing
Obama to Call for Laws Covering Data Hacking and Student Privacy
ESEA reauthorization explained in a single table
No need for secrecy in debating public education
Our View: State school plans improved on after criticisms
Silicon Valley Turns Its Eye to Education
NCLB Rewrite Could Target Mandate on Annual Tests
President Obama’s community college proposal doesn’t make the grade
Wake County school board to discuss middle school grading scale and eastern Wake high schools
$41.6 million requested to replace two Winston-Salem schools a 'guarantee'
Editorial: STEM initiatives promising
New Hanover schools picked as digital learning study site
Wake schools right to raise aim on graduation