Expect great things from EducationNC in 2018. I do. If you see articles you’d like me to share in our daily digest, please email me at [email protected]. Happy New Year! Mebane
The N.C. State Board of Education meets this week. Here is the agenda for January 3. Here is the agenda for January 4.
The N.C. Charter School Advisory Board will be meeting on January 8 and January 9.
Tuesday, January 9, the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee is meeting at 10am in 643 LOB.
The N.C. General Assembly will be in session on Wednesday, January 10.
The Child Fatality Task Force will meet on Wednesday, January 17.
Featured Read
The emerging “Big Five,” spur the NC economic miracle
NC's new “Big Five" includes technology, pharmaceuticals, finance, vehicle parts and food processing. While this transformation is miraculous for the state as a whole, it is the basis for the for the urban-rural divide.... Read the rest
Groundbreaking Study: One in Ten Young Adults Experience Homelessness During One Year
Rural Education in America – Challenges and Promise
Invest in pediatric mental healthcare to avoid adult crises
The World Development Report 2018: LEARNING to Realize Education’s Promise
ICYMI: Can we leapfrog? The potential of education innovations to rapidly accelerate progress
Teacher Shortages Linger in Many States
What’s ahead on the edtech landscape in 2018
The Evolving Role of the State Education Agency in the Era of ESSA and Trump: Past, Present, and Uncertain Future