The House convenes at 4pm today. The Senate convenes at 10am on Tuesday.
Featured Read

Cavnar named nation’s top public school teacher
The NEA Foundation has named South Point High teacher Bobbie Cavnar its top educator in the nation.... Read the rest
Lessons in flexibility from the nation’s largest charter school network
The Gap Between The Science On Kids And Reading, And How It Is Taught
As DeVos Approves Education Plans, She Finds Skeptics in G.O.P. Governors
EQUITY: Why one elusive word matters so much to the CMS board, taxpayers and 147,000 students
Schools are fighting to end bias in identifying gifted students. But is it working?
Hillside High’s IB Programme was created to attract white students. Is it working?
Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report: Flu Widespread in NC
The Other STEM Gender Gap