Ann Doss Helms at The Charlotte Observer has a series on the Opportunity Scholarships:
Praying for options: Religious schools dominate NC voucher program
NC voucher plan faces first clear year after start-up battles
Nariah Hunter flourishes at Victory Christian
The Charter School Advisory Board meets today, April 11, and tomorrow, April 12.
Featured Read
VIDEO: Reading and Math in the Common Core Era
As part of the 2016 Brown Center Report on American Education, Tom Loveless examines the degree to which CCSS recommendations have penetrated schools and classrooms.... Read the rest
A Flipping Experiment
Why Talented Black and Hispanic Students Can Go Undiscovered
Taking the Politics Out of American History (and Out of A.P.)
Shield From Deportation Threat to Get Day at High Court
University of North Carolina president raises concerns over ‘bathroom bill’
Want To Teach In Urban Schools? Get To Know The Neighborhood
How Virginia Is Transforming the Idea of High School