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EdDaily by EdNC

Friday, September 29, 2017

Hey there teachers! The Promoting Innovation in Science and Mathematics or PRISM Award provides N.C. public school teachers the opportunity to receive up to $3000 in funding towards the purchase of STEM-related materials and up to $1500 for any necessary training for those materials. Teachers may apply through Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Deadline is December 5, 2017.

Education Week is asking readers to help create a fuller picture on hate crimes, including those that take place in K-12 schools.

The State Board of Education will meet next week, Oct. 4-5, in the 7th floor Board Room, Education Building, 301 N. Wilmington Street, Raleigh.

The agendas for this meeting and executive summaries are available online (under Meetings tab).

These are the sources EdNC checks every day: The New York Times, The 74, Education Week, The NC Tribune, The Insider, The News & Observer, The Charlotte Observer, WUNC, WFAE, Brookings, Education Commission of the States, and DPI’s News. A cross section of diverse sources are checked weekly and monthly. If you have an article you think needs to be included, email [email protected].

Mebane Rash

Mebane Rash is the CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC.

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