The N.C. General Assembly convenes on Monday at 7pm.
From the NC State College of Education, please put this event on your calendar.
What: The NC State College of Education’s Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis program will host four national experts on a panel to discuss The Causes, Consequences and Correlates of Student Absenteeism.
When: Monday, June 11 | 6 p.m.
Where: NC State University | SAS Hall Room 1102 | 2311 Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607
Who: Four nationally-renowned scholars on student absenteeism describe the most up-to-date research on student absenteeism and how to boost student attendance. Each speaker will present about their research for 10 minutes followed by a time for Q&A:
- Michael Gottfried, UC Santa Barbara
- Ethan Hutt, University of Maryland
- Joshua Childs, University of Texas at Austin
- Kaitlin Anderson, Michigan State University
Why: State and school leaders have long sought interventions aimed at reducing inequality and improving academic achievement. Recent research evidence is mounting in favor of a simple, cost-effective, yet highly impactful policy lever: boosting student attendance. Chronic absenteeism and truancy have been linked to a variety of undesirable outcomes for students including an increased risk of dropout, lower test scores, lower educational and social engagement, juvenile delinquency, and substance abuse. While various policies have been suggested to combat these issues-such as restorative justice, culturally responsive teaching, school-wide tiered supports, and a general reduction in the use of exclusionary discipline-knowledge on the efficacy, implementation challenges, training requirements, and overall costs associated with these approaches is lacking. At this critical policy juncture, the Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis program in NC State University’s College of Education is assembling a panel presentation by four academics who are research-active in this area.
The event is open to the public.
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