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EdDaily by EdNC

Friday, July 28, 2017

As many have read in the story by The Charlotte Observer, “Dennis Rash, who helped remake uptown Charlotte, dies at 77,” our CEO Mebane Rash’s father passed away this week in the city of Charlotte, the city he loved. Thank you to all the supporters who have shared kind thoughts and words. Here is the obituary Mebane authored for the Charlotte Observer.

Please continue following along as Molly Osborne of EducationNC will take Mebane’s place on the upcoming trip to India with six teacher leaders and state education leaders. Molly worked with us last summer and joined our team on July 1. She is a recent graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School. Like Mebane, she comes from a family steeped in a love of public policy.

Join us in the conversation as we share lessons learned from India and begin to build a 21st century vision for our state and our students — a vision new leaders like Molly and these teacher leaders will help create. The group departs today at noon. Follow along on Twitter #BWFGlobal and at EdNC. Dennis would be so proud. 


These are the sources EdNC checks every day: The New York Times, The 74, Education Week, The NC Tribune, The Insider, The News & Observer, The Charlotte Observer, WUNC, WFAE, Brookings, Education Commission of the States, and DPI’s News. A cross section of diverse sources are checked weekly and monthly. If you have an article you think needs to be included, email [email protected].

George Barilich

George “Nate” Barilich is an English and film teacher at Enloe Magnet High School in Raleigh. He also serves as director of Enloe Charity Ball leading high school students in local philanthropy. He is a graduate of North Carolina State University, a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, and a member of the inaugural class of Jamie Kirk Hahn Foundation Fellows. Nate currently serves as an Executive Fellow at EducationNC. Raised in Onslow County, Nate loves all things Eastern North Carolina: salt water, oysters, and vinegar BBQ.

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