July 25 NC Virtual Public School Advisory Council to Meet: The North Carolina Virtual Public School Advisory Council will hold its quarterly meeting virtually on Tuesday, July 25, from 10 a.m. – noon. Agenda items include ad hoc committee updates, the NCVPS teacher evaluation process and spot check data, and legislative updates. The draft agenda is available here.
July 27 is Deadline to Comment on Every Student Succeeds Act Draft State Plan: Educators, parents, students and other stakeholders of North Carolina’s public schools are reminded that July 27 is the last day to comment on the draft North Carolina Consolidated State Plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA State Plan).
Featured Read
Fewer kids in NC are attending traditional public schools. What does that mean?
North Carolina has welcomed more than 116,000 new students so far this decade, but most of these newcomers aren’t going to traditional public schools.Enrollment dropped by 5,562 students ... Read the rest
Are We Asking Enough of High School Graduates?
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D.C. council member seeks ways to reduce student suspensions
Schools collect more data, but how is it used?
CMS still needs 280 teachers – and officials say that’s not as bad as it sounds
Fewer kids in NC are attending traditional public schools. What does that mean?
Hickory Career and Arts Magnet sets standard for NC at SkillsUSA championships
How Teachers Are Taught
The 74 Interview: You Don’t Think Your Child Is Average & Harvard’s Todd Rose Doesn’t Either
Building better preschools—but for which kids?