Today marks the anniversary of the launch of EducationNC and the beginning of year five for us. Our work continues to be my greatest privilege, and I am filled with awe and gratitude for you, our audience. Thank you.
We are a bottom up organization, believing that on our best days the leadership team supports our team of peer experts in doing their best work. It is remarkable — and humbling — to watch our team will our vision into reality with fidelity day in and day out. To our team, you are loved, and we are thankful.
Expect great things from us. I do. #loveNC, Mebane
Featured Read
Margaret Spellings: The best is yet to come
"[T]he trend lines are clear: the best is yet to come. And just how exceptional that future will be is a choice we all get to make."... Read the rest
With winter whittling away at school days, school districts seek more flexible calendars
Juul’s Convenient Smoke Screen
POLL: Americans want Congress to reduce student debt, improve K-12 funding
OP-ED: Benefits of Pre-K do not fade with age
Legislative Update - Friday, January 11, 2019
PODCAST: Politics, Food and our Children's Future
Expanded program means more students can start at community college, then transfer to UNC
Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board member hopes to become next NC school superintendent
OP-ED: Get to know NC’s rural communities by visiting them
Ginger Young|Book Harvest: NC’s ‘Read to Achieve’ program failed. Let’s turn the page.
This Week in Education Politics: With Shutdown in Background, Congress Focuses on Disaster Aid for Districts, Higher Ed Regulations, School Choice & More