Our team is headed to Asheboro on Wednesday to join the myFutureNC Commission at their Listening Session. After the event, join us at Four Saints Brewing Company starting at 5 pm for free food, drinks, and a conversation about attainment in North Carolina. RSVP here.
Featured Read
The importance of asking hard questions about what students learn in school
An analysis conducted by the Education Trust recently found that a significant percentage of educators are not delivering rigorous content in math ... Read the rest
Our View: Education is the key to creating rural prosperity
Teachers view student behavior differently based on race, NC State research suggests
Democratic Agenda and 2018 Elections, Education Panel
74 Interview: Longtime Civil Rights Activist Howard Fuller on Trump, DeVos, and What It’s Like to Advocate for School Choice in an Age of ‘Hypocrisy’
Will new standards improve elementary science education?
Scared Of Math? Here's One Way To Fight The Fear