Join our colleagues at the Hunt Institute on Friday, May 1st at 11:00am EST for a webinar on COVID-19 and institutions of higher education from a grantmaker’s perspective. National experts will share how the national higher education landscape is shifting to adapt to meeting student needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Register here.
Featured Read
Secretary DeVos Reiterates Learning Must Continue for All Students, Declines to Seek Congressional Waivers to FAPE, LRE Requirements of IDEA
While not advising any waivers to the core tenets of IDEA, the Department is requesting that Congress consider additional flexibilities on administrative requirements under several laws.... Read the rest
K-12 Education: Education Needs to Address Significant Quality Issues with its Restraint and Seclusion Data
First in Future: Getting Every Home Connected
Data You Can Use: Changes to the Educator Workforce After COVID-19