Each Friday, we are trying to end the week on a hopeful note. If you haven’t yet, please tune in to Alli’s podcast, Hope Starts Here. From her first “hello, hello” I was hooked. For those of you that follow our work on faith, Caroline brings you a series from Good Friday to Easter Monday on carpenters and housing.
Todd Breyfogle at the Aspen Institute is putting together weekly readings to prompt meaningful reflection and conversation among families and teams. The one below has been important to me this week — from Gandhi on the purpose of education, to Maya Angelou’s “Mother’s Long View” and the important reminder that we all imagine growing up to be somebody, to Camus and his story, “The Plague,” to Jacob Lawrence’s Street Shadows. I hope it brings you joy and hope. Here is the full list of Aspen’s resources for Living and leading right now in this time.
Featured Read
Learning and the Hope of Assurance
Please read and share and "contribute to a global chorus of conversation about ideas worth sharing and acting upon" emerging from conoravirus.... Read the rest
How Will the Coronavirus Crisis Affect Children’s Learning? Unequally.
ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | Now: Set Aside NC Test-Score Laws. Later: Revamp Education?
Our fragile child care ‘system’ may be about to shatter