Hannah McClellan’s guide to the budget is out. Last week, I issued too quickly some observations about the budget based on initial interviews. Some of you raised concerns, and many of you have sent us lots and lots of questions about this budget. My thanks to Hannah, Anna, and Lauren Fox at the Public School Forum of NC for clarifying the concerns, and tracking down answers to many of the questions. As you read Hannah’s guide, let her know what you think via email hmclellan at ednc.org. There is a long, long way to go to understanding the impact of this budget on our public schools.
A bit of serendipity. The state budget includes money for a pilot in three counties based on a Michigan program that splits the cost of child care between businesses, employees, and state government. At the same time, the budget was being released, Katie and Liz were in Michigan learning more about the program. Take a look at what they learned.
Anita Brown-Graham and Cecilia Holden are the authors of the Dreamcatchers perspective so please take a look over the weekend and share. “We see our state’s community colleges as dreamcatchers,” they write.
Here is your playlist for the weekend from Jeff McDaris.
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A Huge School-Choice Win in North Carolina
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