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Our team is working on our budget analysis, and we hope to have it posted tomorrow.
A few of my own observations. The expansion of school choice is limited to private schools. The delta between the state PPE and the voucher/scholarship goes to the district. The increase for 2024-25 is limited to $15 million, effectively giving public schools another year to plan. And there is at least some accountability.
Also for those of your following the story of Canton. The town, county, school district, and community college submitted a collective request, and will receive more than $60 million in relief:
$38 million Town of Canton for waste water treatment — in the budget bill
$4 million Town of Canton — line item 110 in the committee report
$4 million Haywood County — line item 111
$3 million HCC training programs — line item 114
$3 million Haywood Public Schools economic relief — line item 115
$140,000 Haywood County, River Gauge System — line item 140
$5 million Haywood County Detention Center — line item 181
$3 million HCC building — line item 355
$275,000 Haywood County community relief — line item 356 — $100,000 for The Community Kitchen; $100,000 for Feeding the Multitudes Inc.; $25,000 for the Fines Creek Community Center; $25,000 for the Pigeon Community Multicultural Development Center; $25,000 for the Cruso Community Center
Stay tuned. More to come, including early childhood and community college updates.