Featured Read
The Moral Panic Over Critical Race Theory Is Coming for a North Carolina Teacher Rodney D. Pierce
With photos by Cornell Watson, the story of the 2019 North Carolina Council for the Social Studies Teacher of the Year. “It’s my job to keep protecting him and allow him to do his job,” his principal says.... Read the rest
What the House Education Spending Bill Would Do for Schools, in One Chart
Lawmakers consider bill to boost NC's literacy, add teacher assistants to every K-2 class
ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | CMS Board Works On Goals, Data To Help Close Racial Disparities In Student Success
Who controls the future of higher education in NC? Some new, conservative players
Accusations of McCarthyism, biased teachers among complaints sent to Lt. Gov.'s 'indoctrination' task force
Berger says he will combat Critical Race Theory ‘with everything that I have …’