EducationNC CEO Mebane Rash will be at the Summit on Student Safety and Wellbeing at the Friday Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Friday.
Governor Roy Cooper will tour Wallace Rose Hill High School in Teachey, NC today at 12:45.
Featured Read
What’s in a name? The potential for students to self-advocate
Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. That probably holds true for a lot of people. But for some, like myself, it boils down to more than garden variety procrastination. It’s a research-backed phenomenon—and ... Read the rest
Achieving professional growth through micro-credentials
Book Harvest's one millionth book!
November 12, 2013 , “The day we lost a titan” – In remembrance of Sarah Garcia
Durham’s next district attorney wants to stop prosecuting most students charged in school
Voters widely support public schools. So why is it so hard to pay for them?