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The Editor’s Notes

Nation has some news today. Hard news, but good news. Please give him some love on Twitter, now X, @NationHahn.

Over and over, day after day, Nation gets up, carrying on in brave and magnificent ways. And in the living of his life, there is the leadership of the self and of society that continues to bring me hope.

He will go on to do hard things sprinkled with delight. We are excited to watch his story continue to unfold. With love, Team EdNC



Need to know

These are the sources EdNC checks every day: The New York Times, The 74, Education Week, The NC Tribune, The Insider, The News & Observer, The Charlotte Observer, WUNC, WFAE, Brookings, Education Commission of the States, and DPI’s News. A cross section of diverse sources are checked weekly and monthly. If you have an article you think needs to be included, email [email protected].

Mebane Rash
Mebane Rash is the CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC.

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