Task force finalizes recommendations with aim to improve reading outcomes
The State Board of Education Literacy Task Force unanimously approved its recommendations Monday on changes the state should make to improve K-3 reading instruction.…

Perspective | Reading instruction: It’s no time to go backwards, North Carolina
Is North Carolina about to take a giant step backward on early literacy? It seems so with the potential adoption of a flimsy definition of quality reading instruction not based on how we know children actually learn to read. …

Perspective | Literacy is a right
Literacy is a right, not a privilege. An ambitious vision for what we should see for every child across every community in our state no matter the zip code. …

Wake County Public Schools leaders respond to ‘racist, vile, and thoughtless statements’ made by staff and students
The Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) superintendent and the chair of its board of education released a joint statement today in response to social media posts they said were made by students and staff.…

Perspective | MCNC, connecting North Carolina
Welcome to our monthly feature on EducationNC called the NC STEM ScoreCard, written in partnership with the N.C. Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education (SMT) Center and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.…
The N.C. State Board of Education meets this week. Here is the agenda for Wednesday. Here is the agenda for Thursday.
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Here’s One Way to Talk With Teachers About Race in Schools
There are plenty of examples of how simply starting intentional conversations about race transforms student outcomes. ... Read the rest
ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | Parents Worry About Kids Starting Kindergarten Amid Virus Disruption
Union County Schools will hold in-person graduation amid virus