Are advanced teaching roles the way of the future?
They are everywhere: from a program that started as a way to offer teachers advancement beyond administration, to a feature of a new licensure system in development from the state.…

Baby formula shortage: What families need to know
Some families have had trouble finding baby formula amid the Abbott Nutrition recall and supply chain issues. But there are safe alternatives and resources for finding formula.…

Perspective | Schools embrace being the hub of the community
All students in the community deserve excellent education opportunities. As school districts compete for students, an unusual approach is found in Mount Airy to embrace all students no matter where they attend school. …
The Senate education committee will meet today at 11:30 a.m. and take up a Parents’ Bill of Rights bill. The committee meets in room 643 of the Legislative Office Building (LOB) and will be livestreamed. I will be covering and should have an article out about the bill today. You can see the livestream here.
Featured Read
19 children and two adults killed in massacre at Texas elementary school
The mass shooting was the deadliest at an American school since the slayings at Sandy Hook a decade ago. ... Read the rest
NC Republicans push ban on teaching LGBTQ issues, plus other rules for schools
Governor Cooper Highlights North Carolina Education Corps at Moore Magnet Elementary School in Forsyth County
COVID Vaccination Rates for Kids Are Stalling. What It Means for Schools
Teachers, deputized to fight the culture wars, are often reluctant to serve
How Biden’s efforts to protect trans students are primed to stumble