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Here is the May Revised Consensus General Fund Revenue Forecast. Note the -$135.8 million (-0.4%) downward revision to projected overcollections for the current fiscal year.

PEPSC met briefly yesterday. EdNC’s Hannah McClellan reports these two policies were approved:

1. Policy amendment to general licensure requirement: Veterans or spouse or a veteran with teachers license from another state is allowed to be placed on NC teacher salary schedule during their military service (with license from another jurisdiction actively used in last two years, in same jurisdiction for NC job)

2. Policy amendment to CTE Licensure – outlines initial licensing of teaching candidates through the CTE restricted route, converting the initial license to a continuing professional license, current educators to add CTE teaching areas, and current educators to add CTE support services licenses

From Superintendent Jeff McDaris, here is your playlist for the weekend. Enjoy.

These are the sources EdNC checks every day: The New York Times, The 74, Education Week, The NC Tribune, The Insider, The News & Observer, The Charlotte Observer, WUNC, WFAE, Brookings, Education Commission of the States, and DPI’s News. A cross section of diverse sources are checked weekly and monthly. If you have an article you think needs to be included, email [email protected].

Mebane Rash
Mebane Rash is the CEO and editor-in-chief of EducationNC.

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