The Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness is hosting a webinar on mental health and homeless students on June 8 at 10:30am. Register here.
The State of Preschool was released yesterday by the National Institute for Early Education Research. The link to the full report is below, but here is the data on North Carolina.
If you are interested in teacher pensions, a report was released recently that is getting attention…and reaction. Bellweather Education Partners released this report, Why Most Teachers Get a Bad Deal on Pensions, on May 16, 2017. This infographic in the report allows you to sort the data by state. AFT President Randi Weingarten responded to the report on May 21, 2017. The authors address the response here.
Featured Read
VIDEO: Rev. Richard Joyner
This pastor is improving the health and economic potential of his rural North Carolina congregation and 21 others.... Read the rest
The State of Preschool 2016
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