The open door and so much more: The cost of under-resourcing our community colleges
As a state, we expect a whole lot of our community colleges, especially our small, rural colleges. Haywood Community College (HCC) has an annual economic impact of $64.8 million, including $14.5 million in operations spending, $3.4 million in student spending, and $46.9 million in alumni impact, according to a study paid for in part by the N.C.…

‘Workforce is the name of the game,’ State Board of Community Colleges chair says
North Carolina’s workforce was at the forefront of the State Board of Community Colleges meeting Feb. 16-17, with the Board discussing how the N.C.…

Perspective | Intentional alignment to meet local workforce training needs
I recently attended “The State of Educational Attainment in North Carolina,” an event hosted by myFutureNC that provided a status report on the educational attainment goal of 2 million North Carolinians ages 25-44 possessing a high-quality credential or postsecondary degree by 2030.…
The House K-12 committee is meeting at 1pm. HB 142 is on the agenda. On this page is the link so you can stream the meeting. HB 142 is titled “protect our students.” It proposes changes to the laws prohibiting sexual activity with a student and for those taking indecent liberties with a student.
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U.S. Department of Education Announces Partnership with Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation to Support Family Engagement
Sign up for this learning series, which will launch Feb. 28, 2023, intended to help education leaders and practitioners implement family engagement strategies that support student success. ... Read the rest
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ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | CMS reviews 8,500 books after parent group finds explicit sexual content
Walking on Eggshells—Teachers' Responses to Classroom Limitations on Race- or Gender-Related Topics
School districts lobby for international teachers to stay longer