The Editor’s Notes
Newsweek released its 2015 list of America’s top high schools.
Here are some different takes on The 74 Million’s education summit held yesterday in New Hampshire:
VIDEO RECAP: Watch Bush, Christie, Fiorina, Jindal, Kasich and Walker Talk K-12 at the NH Education Summit, The 74 Million
GOP Presidential Candidates Dive Deep Into Education Policy at Online Event, Education Week
The Republican Primary Candidates’ Daylong School-Choice Lovefest, Schooled: Slate
GOP candidates attend education summit in New Hampshire, FOX News
G.O.P. Hopefuls Display Differences on Education, The New York Times
On Education, Republican Candidates Retreat From National Standards, Newsweek
New Poll Offers News Both Heartening and Glum for Education Reformers
Teacher Retention Rates Are Up, Not Down
Save the Children Spends Millions to Make Early Ed Campaign Issue
As Budget Battle Looms, Education Department Warns Against Early-Ed. Cuts
Racism in the classroom: the "soft bigotry of low expectations" is just regular bigotry
The Town That Decided to Send All Its Kids to College
MSNBC Airs Softball Interview With Anti-Union Activist Campbell Brown
Dare we take a risk on children’s education? Dare we avoid it?
Alamance-Burlington School System scrutinizes block scheduling
DPS chief L'Homme: Teachers are valued in Durham
Parent of reassigned student: I'm not happy but we adjust
Wake schools are growing separate and unequal
Six trends that highlight waning state support for public education
Weakening public education huge risk to NC business climate