‘New beginnings’ ahead as Superintendent-elect Catherine Truitt announces leadership team
State Superintendent-elect Catherine Truitt announced Dec. 2 the people she is bringing onboard at the state Department of Public Instruction (DPI) when she takes the reins in January.…

‘The only disaster is the pandemic itself’ — says State Board of Education Chair
On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, the State Board of Education held a virtual meeting. State Board Chair Eric Davis opened the meeting with several remarks about the impact of the pandemic on our schools, the shooting at a middle school in Hendersonville on Nov.…

Perspective | Career and College Promise: A premier college access program with room for growth
Inequities within our society that have persisted over decades have never been more evident than in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the digital divide for learners and has laid bare the challenges that today’s college students face around ensuring their basic needs are met.…
On Monday, at the meeting of the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee, EdNC’s Liz Bell reported that Rep. Craig Horn said,
“Kids that will graduate, are they graduating prepared for university, are they graduating prepared for the workforce, are they graduating prepared for the military?” Horn said. “The answer is no, no, and no. This has been a disaster for education.”
Here is her story.
At 11:56am, as the Committee was meeting, this Tweet misquoted Horn.
Liz Bell taped the meeting and has listened to it again in full. Here is Horn’s full quote:
“We’ve got, I don’t know any other word. We’ve got a disaster on our hands. Representative Clemmons mentioned graduation, promotion, and pre-K, it’s three issues, and it was testified too that we may be seeing the lowest promotion activity in 100 years. We have reason to believe based on what we heard today that our pre-K, and our kindergarten classes are gonna swell. Are we prepared for that? And then, kids that will graduate, are they graduating prepared for university, are they graduating prepared for the workforce, are they graduating prepared for the military? The answer is no, no, and no. This has been a disaster for education.”
A few minutes later, Horn adds:
“We need help from you all to ensure that there is a clear message to the public, to the parents, to the students, to the legislators. And then what is it we can do, we, the General Assembly, what can we do, to help communicate as well as help our kids progress. Because we’re, we are in a disaster.”
In the interest of transparency, please note that Horn serves on the EdNC board.
The N.C. State Board of Education continues its monthly meeting today. Here is the agenda.
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