When can N.C. teachers expect bonuses?
State employees can expect their bonuses by the end of January, the State Board of Education clarified in a called meeting this week.…

Perspective | History illuminated with schools named for a cardinal and lawyer
In the 4A division state championship football game last weekend, Cardinal Gibbons High School of Raleigh defeated Julius Chambers High School of Charlotte by the score of 14-2.…
Each year, we survey you to assess and track our impact. This year, more than 1,500 of you responded — double that of last year! Thank you.
Seventy-eight percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that our coverage is neutral. We are incredibly proud of this, particularly in light of increasingly divisive politics in our state. And for those of you that don’t think our work is neutral you split whether you think it veers left or right so we will take that as a win too.
Sixty-seven percent you discuss something you read on EdNC with colleagues, 39% share our articles, 33% apply knowledge gained from EdNC in your work, 21% changed your mind about an issue because of our work, and 13% discuss what you read on EdNC with policymakers. Roughly 400 of you said you’d be willing to speak with an EdNC team member about your county and untold stories in your community. So thankful.
And thank you for your comments.
“I read the newsletters and feel like at least one organization in the state is on my side and the side of my students.”
“EdNC has motivated me to be a teacher more than anything. I’m excited to see the articles about what different teachers and different school systems are doing to improve education.”
Check out this Twitter thread for some holiday magic featuring our state superintendent and the wonderful leaders in Ashe County Schools.
Courtesy of Superintendent Jeff McDaris, here is your playlist for the holidays. I hope you have a chance, as he says, to breathe, reflect, and dedicate.
And, courtesy of EdNC’s Alli, here are your last podcast recs of the year:
The Resilience Zone | Episode 3 – “Resilience is in our DNA” ft. Donnell Cannon
In this episode, Elijah interviews education leader Donnell Cannon. Cannon was a principal in Edgecombe County, Elijah’s home county, for 5 years and is now the executive director of district transformation and redesign for the school district. The two talk about resources — what they are, where to find them, and how to utilize them for resilience.
Class Disrupted by The74 | 3 Big Education Wishes for 2022
In this final episode of 2021, the hosts share three wishes for schooling in the new year that focus on personalization, grace, and renewing the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Happy holidays and happy new year! I am ever thankful for you and your leadership.
EdDaily will be back in your inbox on Monday, January 3, 2022. #loveNC, Mebane
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REGISTER | NC PreK-12 Literacy and Equity Summit
In addition to four fabulous summit speakers, 12 breakout sessions will address unique instructional literacy needs. Join us!... Read the rest
APPLY BY JANUARY 4 | Two year, paid fellowship with Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
NC IN THE NEWS | Free School Lunch Expands to 8 More U.S. States, Now Reaching About 75 Percent of Students
Associations Team Up on Transfer Statement
ANN DOSS HELMS REPORTS | Staff shortages mean some CMS after-school programs can't meet NC licensing standards