Congrats Dr. Marvin Connelly, Jr., Superintendent of Cumberland County Schools, who was named the 2024 A. Craig Phillips North Carolina Superintendent of the Year at an awards presentation and reception held Tuesday, Nov. 14. More to come!
Community college leaders and educators from around the country gathered in person and virtually Tuesday for the 2023 Dallas Herring Lecture titled Daring to Be Extraordinary: Transforming the Structure of How We Work. Stay tuned!
Across the country, supporters of public education are celebrating American Education Week, Nov. 13-17.
As part of the week’s celebrations, NCAE recognizes today, Wednesday, November 15, as National ESP Day. According to a press release, Education Support Professionals play important roles in our school communities, helping ensure our students are healthy and ready to learn. ESPs encompass a wide range of job categories, such as teacher assistants, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, school nurses, custodians and more.
“Education Support Professionals or ESPs are the glue that holds our school communities together. They do vital work that too often goes unnoticed and is under appreciated,” said NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly. “Today we thank our ESP colleagues for their efforts and lift up the work they do. Recognizing the important role ESPs play in our schools is the first step in ensuring they receive the professional pay, respect, and appreciation they deserve.”
Featured Read
Is N.C. spending enough on public education?
This Hometown Debate Series features leaders talking about education finance in our state.... Read the rest