The N.C. State Board of Education is meeting today in Pembroke. Here is the agenda.
We are following a partnership between Arts Education Partnerships and Education Commission of the States. They are publishing a series of success
stories about how arts organizations, states, schools and other entities are using funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) to support arts education. Their first story profiles Houston. If you know of stories in NC, please let us know!
Featured Read
Broadening Access: Computer Science as a Graduation Requirement
South Carolina made a commitment in 2018 that all students would take computer science as a statewide graduation requirement. Superintendent Molly Spearman urges others states to consider it.... Read the rest
Affirmative action in jeopardy after justices raise doubts
To address teacher shortages, Tennessee may drop EdTPA for many teacher candidates
Why You Can’t Find Child Care: 100,000 Workers Are Missing
The good and bad of virtual on-demand tutoring