Blue Engine Collaborative releases case study of EdNC: Breaking down barriers in North Carolina, mile by country mile
It was 2012, and in conversations over country breakfasts at the iconic Big Ed’s restaurant in Raleigh, two of EdNC’s founders — Gerry Hancock and Ferrel Guillory — focused not on what their organization should look like or how much money they would need.…

Thank you for being part of us: EdNC at 10 years
EducationNC’s 2024 Annual Report Highlights An external case study finds, EdNC “built a team whose talent was matched only by their commitment.”…
In early 2024, EdNC began working with the Blue Engine Collaborative, global media experts including our Yoda, Tim Griggs. The question was had EdNC saturated the market in North Carolina? Thanks to Anna’s leadership — the youngest ever participant in the Media Transformation Project — we know the answer is no.
In 2024, EdNC had 1,236,039 users and 2,013,871 pageviews. We had 31.2 million impressions on Google search in 2024 up from 24.3 million in 2023.
In 2024, we traveled more than 50,000 miles, the equivalent of driving from Murphy to Manteo 93 times. We visited 87 of 100 counties, publishing content about 78 of those counties and the Qualla Boundary. We published 45 policy-based research projects. Our team participated in more than 735 external meetings to engage with our audience and better understand how to meet their needs. We supported $3,063,282 in fundraising for others.
The case study finds, “They built a team whose talent was matched only by their commitment.”
In addition to the public, external case study, the Collaborative provided us with a 44-page roadmap for expanding our reach and impact moving forward. Already, we are seeing a bump up from our coverage of President Trump. Traditional outlets are dis-incented to provide links to original sources because it takes their audience off site. We see our job as getting you to the information you need. Our monthly traffic is up 15%.
One month after Hurricane Helene, high school students wrote a play, called “Surge.”
In the play, four reporters covering the hurricane are depicted. “You know, it would go a lot faster if you would help us,” a student says to one reporter.
“How bad is it?,” another reporter asks the father of a family in the play. “Look around,” he responds.
Later in the play, as a reporter begins to help, a community member asks, “Are you a day helper or a stay helper?”
EdNC strives to be a stay helper. This is the role journalists can play if they choose to do so, but more importantly how we are seen by those we serve if we don’t.
Thank you for being our stay helper as we do this work we both believe in and love.
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A note from Molly and Mebane on EdNC’s 10th anniversary
Public schools matter. Attainment matters. We look forward to the next 10 years.... Read the rest