This article has been updated with information from more colleges.
The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is growing rapidly. Globally, the funding for AI doubled in 2021, reaching $66.8 billion dollars, according to the International Trade Commission. While the industry is growing overall, adoption of AI remains relatively low but varies greatly by sector. In North Carolina, the information technology (IT) sector has the highest rate of adopting AI, with an estimated 18% of businesses reporting using AI currently.
Postsecondary institutions are responding to the industry growth by creating new degrees and programs to prepare students for careers in AI. North Carolina A&T State University is leading the way as the first university in the state to offer a bachelor’s degree in artificial intelligence. North Carolina Central University recently received a $1 million grant from Google to fund the first HBCU AI Institute nationwide.
The 2024 NC Chamber Education and Workforce Conference focused heavily on “the future of work” and how our schools can prepare students for the realities of AI. Dr. Bill Daggett, founder of the International Center of Leadership in Education, opened the conference. He broke down the different types of AI and reminded listeners that students, technology, and the workforce are vastly different than they were 50 years ago.
North Carolina’s 58 community colleges are working to respond to these changes, creating programs, pathways, and degrees. Below is a list of these offerings compiled by reaching out to representatives at all 58 community colleges. Please email alindenberg@ednc.org if we are missing anything.
Alamance Community College has been approved for and is starting an Associate of Applied Science in AI in spring 2025.
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College offers a degree and certificate in AI.
Beaufort County Community College has a few continuing education sessions on AI.
Blue Ridge Community College offers an AI pathway within the Information Technology program.
Brunswick Community College offers an AI pathway within the Information Technology and Computer Programming program.
Cape Fear Community College is launching an Associate of Applied Science in AI beginning in the fall of 2025.
Carteret Community College offers a few professional courses in AI.
Central Carolina Community College is offering an AI course within its Information Technology program.
Central Piedmont Community College just launched their Associate in Applied Science in AI, focusing on generative AI, chatbots, and machine learning.
College of The Albemarle has several opportunities through their Business Center. They are also hosting the following upcoming events:
- February 6th – The Future is AI-rriving 1:00-3:00 p.m.
- April 8th – Intro to AI and Chat GPT 1:00 to 3:00 pm
- April 15th – Next Level Chat GPT for Business Growth 1:00-3:00 pm
- April 22nd – Beyond Chat GPT: AI for Creative Business Solutions 1:00-3:00 pm
- April 29th – Crafting an Ethical AI Policy Plan 1:00-3:00 p.m
Davidson-Davie Community College will be adding some new AI options through their Information Technology program in Fall 2025. These will include an Associate in Applied Science in Information Technology with an Artificial Intelligence Technologies pathway and two AI certificates. One of the certificates will be offered through Career and College Promise for high school students.
Durham Technical Community College is offering a course within their Information Technology department.
Fayetteville Technical Community College is hoping to start a certificate offering regarding AI in fall 2025.
Forsyth Technical Community College is offering AI courses within their Information Technology program and is working on a full degree to offer in the near future.
Guilford Technical Community College is offering AI courses within their Information Technology program.
Isothermal Community College has an AI lab and offers AI training sessions.
Johnston Community College offers an AI course within their Information Technology program.
Mayland Community College offers an AI continuing education course.
Randolph Community College is set to get a new Applied Industrial AI center on campus.
Rockingham Community College offers continuing education courses on AI.
Sandhills Community College offers continuing education courses on AI.
Stanly Community College offers a free AI course through their IT academy.
Vance-Granville Community College offers courses on AI through their small business center.
Wake Technical Community College is integrating AI into their IT degree programs, starting with an AI course in their Data Science AAS degree and incorporating AI lessons into existing courses. For Workforce Development, they are launching a course on using generative AI for business productivity, aimed at teaching AI technologies to workers in a variety of settings to enhance workplace efficiency. They will also develop AI coursework for current IT professionals to expand their skillset.
Wayne Community College offers a variety of AI degrees, diplomas, and certificates. They also claim to have had the first AI engineer degree in the state.
Wilson Community College offers an AI course through their small business center.