Bryan Zugelder
Bryan Zugelder is Assistant Professor of Elementary Education and Teacher Leadership at East Carolina University (ECU). Prior to joining the faculty at ECU, he was the State Director for the NC New Teacher Support Program (NC NTSP) at the UNC System Office, Executive Director of Undergraduate Affairs and Partnerships and Director of the Office of Clinical Experiences in the College of Education and Human Performance at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
During his 20 year career in education, he has served as an elementary classroom teacher, professional development consultant, Reading First professional development coordinator, assessment project manager at the Florida Department of Education, and higher education administrator. He has received more than $15M in grant funding and currently serves as the Lead Researcher for the NC NTSP, now administratively housed at ECU. He has published in the areas of teacher education, teacher development, and teacher leadership. Zugelder received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Master of Science in Educational Leadership, and Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership.