
Update: On Friday, March 16, 2024, CNN broke a news article about social media posts between 2019-21 by Michele Morrow on her personal Twitter account that sanctioned violence including death by firing squad of leaders of our country. The story was picked up by outlets including Fox News and Cardinal & Pine, and the article by The Hill, which was distributed by Yahoo News, reached all around the world as far as Singapore.
The reporting by CNN was based in part on information distributed by Media Matters for America, which says it is a nonprofit that monitors and corrects conservative misinformation in the media. You can see here what they sent to outlets last week, including EdNC.
Following the publication of the story, Morrow posted this tweet on her current, campaign account on Twitter now X. KFile is CNN’s investigation team.
With 100% of precincts reporting, Michele Morrow won the Republican primary election of the superintendent of public instruction with 455,245 votes — 52%.
Morrow ran against incumbent Superintendent Catherine Truitt.
Morrow is a wife and mom, nurse and homeschool teacher
According to her campaign website, Morrow describes herself as a wife, mother, nurse, teacher, and advocate.
Morrow moved to Charlotte as a sophomore in high school, and she went on to earn a bachelor of science in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
She worked in Texas as a nurse, Mexico as missionary, and Colorado at a Christian camp before moving back to North Carolina nine years ago.
Morrow has five kids, and she and her husband also served as foster parents.
“Michele’s children attended public, private, and home school over the past 19 years,” according to her campaign website.
Her teaching experience includes homeschooling her children and “teaching high schoolers Biology, Chemistry, Spanish, and Civics, in local co-ops.”
Her campaign website says she “currently works as a child advocate with an organization dedicated to protecting children from pornography.”
Morrow points to ivoterguide.com, noting her conservative ranking on that site. The ivoterguide.com website says it is “rooted in God” and allows voters to “find out which candidates on your ballot really stand for your biblical values.” The ivoterguide.com website lists the following as Morrow’s work experience:
UNC Hospital, RN, Neurosurgical ICU, 1993-1995
St. David’s Hospital, RN, Emergency Room, 1995-1998
St. David’s Hospital, RN, Labor and Delivery, 2006
Camp Redcloud, RN, Head Nurse, Educator, First Aid/CPR instructor, 2010-2014
PRN Triage, RN, Triage Nurse, 2017-2019
B&B Properties, Administrative Assistant, 2023-present
The ivoterguide.com website also identifies the co-ops where Morrow taught as Seek Homeschool Co-op and TCC Homeschool Co-op.
Morrow posts videos on her campaign website.
Morrow’s prior political experience
Morrow’s only political experience prior to running for state superintendent was a run in district nine for a seat on the school board in Wake County in 2022. She came in second of three candidates.

The following are excerpts from reporting by WRAL based on candidate comments in forums during that election:
“Morrow, a mother of five homeschooled children, has also called public schools ‘socialism centers’ and ‘indoctrination centers’ and urged people not to send their children to them.”
“[S]he said, ‘I think the whole plan of the education system from day one has actually been to kind of control the thinking of our young people.'”
“Morrow said she believes teachers should be allowed to carry concealed guns in classrooms.”
“Morrow believes special education children, particularly at the youngest grade levels, should be taught certain subjects, such as math and reading, separately from their peers. She also said ‘gifted and talented’ students should be taught separately.”
“Morrow was among a handful of people who last year filed police reports against the school board because some books in school libraries included sexual content. Prosecutors declined to pursue charges.”
“Morrow attended the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot with her oldest children and said she was there to teach her children a lesson about citizens’ role in a democracy.”
Here is the full article by WRAL.
The forums can still be viewed: here is one hosted by Bond Park Community Center on Sept. 10, 2022; here is one hosted by Wake PTA, Wake Ed Partnership, and the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 4, 2022; here is one hosted by the League of Women Voters of Wake County.
Issues, endorsements, and money in the race for state superintendent
According to her campaign website, Morrow says on her “Why Michele” page that she “exposed and defeated CRT in schools.” She says she “opposes CRT and porn in schools.” Critical race theory is an academic framework that argues that racism is systemic and embedded within the country’s institutions.
She says she led the statewide petition and lobbied for the Parent’s Bill of Rights.
She says she “supports school officers over social workers to fight crime.”
The News & Observer’s voter guide for the primary elections includes responses from Morrow to a candidate questionnaire. Morrow says the biggest issues to her in the race include “safety in schools, fiscal responsibility, academic excellence, and career preparedness.”
She says, “Our students are failing; classrooms are filled with chaos; drug use, violence and mental crises are on the rise; we have a drastic shortage of teachers and bus drivers; and the current administration has failed the last two audits. I would order an external audit (of) the DPI; prioritize school staff and student needs; replace politically charged, racially divisive and sexually explicit content from curriculum; and strengthen parental and community involvement.”
She says she would “remove nonacademic trainings and content from our schools and focus on the basics of reading, writing, and math during K-5.”
She says “the only diversity and equity our schools should be promoting is diversity of ideas and teaching methods and equity of opportunity.”
Here is the full article by the News & Observer.
According to her campaign website, Morrow is endorsed by Return America, Moms for America, Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA), Pavement Education Project, North Carolina Grassroots Government, Carolinas Teacher Alliance, and Stand for Health Freedom.
In the most recent campaign finance report filed on Feb. 27, 2024 with the N.C. State Board of Elections, Morrow had raised $2,858.00 from individuals and $32,859.59 from political party committees.
Her total receipts for the campaign to date are $37,764.52. Mo Green, who will challenge Morrow as a Democrat in the November general election, reported total receipts as of the same date as $308,412.82.
Where to find Morrow’s campaign online
Here is Morrow’s campaign website.
Morrow’s campaign is on Facebook, Twitter now X, and Instagram.
Note that this website is not an official website and is run by an anonymous parent.