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Perspective | Hearing students say, ‘I’ve got it! I love reading!’ a year into LETRS

Last school year Tabor City Elementary School began the first half of LETRS training. I’m thankful for a training that enables all teachers, regardless of their prior experiences or trainings, to be equally well-equipped to teach reading. 

Not only are teachers provided strategies to help readers, but they are given the knowledge as to how to determine which strategies work best with certain children and why. 

A child’s reading needs are definitely not based on the grade level alone. This program really helps this sink in. All children must get foundational needs met first, regardless of grade level.

I’ve seen transformations in my classroom while applying what I am learning. I’ve seen children who were struggling reading consonant vowel consonant words who can now pick up a book that’s grade level or above, apply strategies they have been taught, and exclaim, “Let me read this book to you. I can do it. It’s easy! I’ve got it! I love reading!” 

When you see a child transform from a struggling reader who hates going to the small group table, or picking up a book, to coming in the classroom in the morning and saying to you, “Let me tell you what happened in my chapter book last night!” — that makes all the difference.  It’s the transformation in your children that makes all the hours of training worth it.

Thank you Columbus County Schools and Tabor City School for providing training that’s life-changing for students and teachers.

Janet Tyler

Janet Tyler is a teacher at Tabor City Elementary School in Columbus County Schools.